Friday, November 13, 2009

Puno and the beginning of Cusco

Hola Amigos y Familia!
Not a whole lot to write this time. We left Arequipa and went further south to Puno to see Lake Titicaca. We spent two nights here walking around the small town. We went to check out Lake Titicaca (12,500 feet!) which was beautiful and smelly! The hostel we stayed in provided some more colorful characters for this journey that Hank will be happy to share with you when we get home (cliff hanger just to spice this particular blog up)!

We took a bus from Puno to Cusco where we have spent the last three nights. Unfortunately, the flu or whatever Hank and the Canadians had way back in Haunchaco, caught up with me. I spent a couple days laying low. However, today we went for a hike to a statue of Jesus at the top of a hill surrounding Cusco. It wasn't too far but the elevation, 10,800, definitely caught up with us! We have met back up with our Canadian friends and have once again enjoyed their company for the last three days. Tonight, is Travis' birthday and we plan to take him to dinner for a Peruvian delicacy... guinea pig! (Review and pics to come later.)
The pics posted here are in reverse order. The top pic of Hank and me is from our hike today and overlooks Cusco. That picture is followed by a fountain and the Cathedral in the Plaza de Armas of Cusco. The last picture is from Puno at a statue of an Inka overlooking Puno and Lake Titicaca.

We are still having a great time and all is well thus far. No problems with travel or people, everyone has been just lovely.

Much love to all and will post when we have internet next. We will be moving around the Sacred Valley a bit for the next few days so (Moms don't worry) it may be a few days before anything new.

Love ya,

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