Friday, November 6, 2009


We took a two hour bus from Ica to Nazca arriving early in the morning. Immediately we found a company to fly in a small plane over the Nazca lines. This was an interesting experience. The airport was tiny and we boarded a 5 seater plane. I sat in the very back (weight distribution put me there) while Hank sat up front with the pilot. The flight was 45 minutes long and about ten minutes in, I was thankful it was short. The take off and landing were smooth but the flight was extremely turbulent. We flew over all the geoglyphs and sat in wonder at where these lines could possibly have come from. They were discovered in 1927 and still have no explanation. Some theories include that they are direction to aquifers, astrological charts and alien landing strips. In the plane, we were a little surprised at how difficult it was to spot them. One must fly rather low and really be looking to spot some of them. It's no wonder they weren't discovered until the 20's. However, they are still brilliant and when one really considers their size, it's mind boggling. The flight ended quickly, which came to our relief since we were feeling motion sick (Hanky puked!). The rest of the day was spent killing time until our next bus to Arequipa. The pics include "the astronaut" which was the first geoglyph discovered and the humming bird.


  1. im real jealous of your nazca trip. i want to go there so so bad. sounds like you guys are ahving tons of fun!

  2. It looks like you are having a wonderful time! Hooray!

  3. I've been sharing the dream w/ Bert's customers and they all are envious and will be following also. They all say hola of course.

  4. Hola right back! Thanks for the notes...
