Saturday, October 17, 2009

Enjoying Lima

Hank and I are alive and well in Lima. We had a very long journey to get here but it was completely worth it.
After 25 hours of travel, we arrived in Lima on Friday morning at 6 A.M. We got to our hostel and finally got a good night (or day)'s rest. Waking up in the late after noon, we were so excited to begin exploring. Down the street from our hostel is a Lima ruin that is currently being excavated. We took the tour and between men with wheel barrows of dirt being carried out, we made our way to the top of the pyramid. The vista of Lima's skyscrapers from the top of this pyramid was an interesting contrast between old and new.
Friday night we went to dinner with some Canadians that we met in the Mexico City airport. They too were staying at our hostel and beginning a two month trek around Peru. I had a local dish that was a filet of fish covered in a delicious red sauce and topped with calamari. Hank had a local chicken dish with potatoes and the Canadians ate pizza!
This morning we slept in and then enjoyed a walk along the coast where surfers waited for waves. We eventually found our way to a park that has mosaic walls with love poems written in it. This park was constructed to restore Peru's tradition of courtship in parks. There was lots of making out going on so Hank and I followed suit!
In a few days we will leave Lima and discover more about Peru. We are thinking about heading north towards the Peruvian Amazon and checking out a National Reserve filled with orchids and jaguars. More stories to follow...
Thanks for the well wishes and love from home. Thanks to my mom for her cookie bars that have become a treat for not only us, but for our new Canadian friends as well. They want the recipe!
Love to all! H&D

1 comment:

  1. Love you Antie Daisy and Uncle Hank!! Mommy showed me where on the globe you are. You are far away and I miss ya. Hope you guys are having lots of fun! Cant wait to hear all about it and see lots of pictures!!
